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  • Hello, Macko,
    Can you send me a Link to download the book "Coloe Atlas of Avian Histopathology"?

    I would like to tell U that "Manual for Diagnosis and Treatment of Reproductive Disorders in Dairy Cattle" link is dead. Please reupload. Regards!
    As promised I finally posted Pathologic basis of veterinary disease. I know you waited for quite a while to finally see this book posted. I hope you are satisfied with the scanning quality and you will find it useful in your professional activity. I am glad I could return the favor. Let me know what you think.

    Best regards,
    chocolate chip
    Equine Medicine and Surgery 4th Edition Vol. I. (spanish version)

    could you please send me a download link for this book. the pdf version that I already have cannot be opened. I hope it is not too much trouble for you.

    Thank you in advance,
    chocolate chip
    amigo mio...seria posible q pudieramos compartir el Handbook of Pig Medicine y el Pathogenesis of Bacterial Infections in Animals 4th Edition en el blog biblioteca mvz....te agradeceriamos mucho q nos facilitaras ese material ya que a muchos les serviria......saludos!!!...y gracias de todas maneras!!
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