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  • Hi Vetaqua, how can I read the ebook on Fish desease, diagnosis and treatment ? I am a new member here and don't really get along well on this page....
    Hi Vetaqua....Do you have the new articles of "Veterinary Clinics of North America: Exotic Animal Practice"? I need the numbers of July and September (2012)....thanks....

    Best Regards
    Hi Vetaqua,
    I am interested about: Vol 13 No 3 Advances and Updates in Internal Medicine (Veterinary Clinics of North America) Do you have it? Can you upload form me? Thanks...
    Hi Vetaqua:

    Thank you for your help recently. I attempted to contact Motoko (sp?) as you suggested, however I'm unable to send private messages (post count must be up to 15 posts). I didn't want to constantly post in the same previous thread, so I didn't know what else to do.... any suggestions? Also went to Motoko's profile to see if I could post like this as a "visitor message". I suppose this function was disabled?

    I apologize for all the questions, I just want to get this right. Thank you for your indefinite help. Take care.
    Come down, relax and don´t behave like an idiot! If you need help in language let us know. But if you go on spamming as you did right here or offending anyone including me then you will be banned forever! So watch your next steps carefully in 2 weeks after your ban ended! You were never called a spammer except now as you particularly proved to be one. Your postings were just deleted by general cleaning not for any personal reason. That gives you no reason to get deeply aggressive against anyone here!
    It's very craven to hide behind the word "supermoderator". Bring my messages back! Ban me will be an injustice. I will tell to all professors, all the faculty and all the university. And also to my partners and buddies at the hospital.
    It's not easy to write 25 messages on english in a year....But it's very easy to erase them in a minute. RESPECT! Take my messages back!
    Start reading my posts... I'm upset with you. REGISTERED SINCE MAY 2011. No more than 2 or 3 messages a day.
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