A review of the effects of ingredient composition and processing conditions on the physical qualities of extruded high-energy fish feed as measured by prevailing methods
[h=3]Abstract[/h]Feed comprises the biggest cost in intensive fish farming and the quality of feed is therefore important. A vast body of research has been carried out in order to investigate nutritional quality of alternative ingredients. Effects of ingredients on physical quality are seldom included in these investigations. Physical quality of feed varies with ingredient composition and processing condition and may interfere with feed intake, nutrient digestibility and therefore growth performance of the fish. In this review, physical quality of extruded, high energy feed, and how ingredient composition and processing conditions affect the quality will be addressed. Various pellet properties will be discussed and methods used to evaluate physical quality will be reviewed.
[h=2]Aquaculture Nutrition[/h]Volume 18, Issue 3, pages 233–248, June 2012