i don'y know how much you know about horses but you must shadow an equine vet to be able to pass this. you will see a lameness case and you need to now how to posision for xary , as well as treament and prognosis. restr of equine is easy , IV cath, physical exam,, etc
Cows: you need to practise fetus and ovary via rectal palpation , also how to correct fetal poistion, usually they have a dummy. then how to restrain the cow , get urine , do milk test...
goat and sheep- infectious disease
radiology : safty is number 1 , misteke this and you will fail. know safty , then don't leave collar or any thing on the dog.. taking the xray is easy
anesethisa : you will select from avilable medication, they vary from place to place , you will make pre anesthesia medication and induction, then intubation. you will be asked why you did you use these medication, most imprtanat thing is blood pressure and CO2 .. keep BP normal
surgery: practice time, you have time but need to make sure not to stress over it, most important mistakes is break sterile field, (if you do correct it and say so ) then make sure don't leave part of ovary inside also cut at cervix , don;t show 2 lumins of uterus (this mean you left too much).
lab is easy silly stuff ,
small animals , the exam of an animals must be complete , you need t know what test you should run for certin signs, like owner say urinate a lot (ask of drink a lot as well) cause urinating a lot mean amount or frequency ...
my case had medication in the ears , i recognised the smell , when i asked she said ears ok, but when i told her there is medicine in the ears she said oh yes ,,, has ear infection and used old bottle from last time.
mine was arthritis case old dog.. so know how to do ortho and neuro exam.
need to know how to write SOAP .. don't worry about the diagnosis , the imorrtant is to write every thing in the right way.
sleep well before , and be cool.
good luck.
done this 2008, pass all from first time. it jsut like a dream now but i remember every minute of it. you will do too.