Diagnostic analgesia of the equine digit

Mar 13, 2011
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Mexico Veterinary Student
Diagnostic analgesia of the equine digit
Equine Veterinary Education 2013; In Press

J. Schumacher*, M. C. Schramme†, J. Schumacher‡ and F. J. DeGraves§
Pages: 14 Pages
Language: English
Format :PDF
Size: 1.74Kb

Analgesia usually occurs within 5 min after administration of
local anaesthetic solution into joints or around nerves in the
distal portion of the limb. Gait should be assessed within 10 min
after diagnostic regional analgesia of the distal portion of the
limb because rapid diffusion of anaesthetic solution can result
in anaesthesia of other nerve branches, thus confusing results
of the examination. A palmar digital nerve block (PDNB)
anaesthetises most of the foot, including the distal
interphalangeal (DIP) joint (coffin joint), rather than just the
palmar half of the foot, as was once commonly believed. To
avoid partially anaesthetising the proximal interphalangeal
joint (pastern joint), the palmar digital nerves should be
anaesthetised near or distal to the proximal margin of the
collateral cartilages. Clinicians should be aware that an
abaxial sesamoid nerve block (ASNB) may ameliorate or
abolish pain within the metacarpo/metatarso-phalangeal joint
(fetlock joint). Mepivacaine administered into the DIP joint
desensitises the DIP joint and probably the palmar digital
nerves to also cause anaesthesia of the navicular bursa, the
navicular bone, the toe region of the sole, the digital portion of
the deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT) and the distal portions of
the collateral ligaments of the DIP joint......
