Book title: Equine Sports Medicine and Surgery, 3rd Edition
Author(s)/Editor(s): Kenneth W Hinchcliff, Andris J. Kaneps, Raymond J. Geor, Emmanuelle Van Erck-Westergen ·
Edition: 3rd
Year Published: 2023
Pages: 1440
ISBN (ISBN-10 or ISBN-13 or eISBN): 9780443105944
Link to the ebook version of the book (if present):
Author(s)/Editor(s): Kenneth W Hinchcliff, Andris J. Kaneps, Raymond J. Geor, Emmanuelle Van Erck-Westergen ·
Edition: 3rd
Year Published: 2023
Pages: 1440
ISBN (ISBN-10 or ISBN-13 or eISBN): 9780443105944
Link to the ebook version of the book (if present):