hello Dr.Stator
i noticed you edited my post by hiding the link. i though we were hiding only links for sites out of elib4vet.com.
i just want to make sure so i have the following question,
Do we "hide" ALL the links? or specific links?
hi!please delete my last post in human medicine forum!duplicates....sorry!)
Handbook of Integrative Clinical Psychology, Psychiatry, and Behavioral Medicine
Dear Dr. Stator i would appreciate if you help me in downloading Vet. books from veterinary electronic library ... many thanks for your earliest attention.
:angryear Doctor Stator,
This is ajrockz.. Im kinda mad for my banning... Im tryin my best to help the site and provide resources that would benefit the member.. I posted several applications and music and games for I thought some members would be happy to benefit from it.. I hate the way the moderator dealt with me.. Using awful words to reprimand me. It doest have to be like that.. I find it very unproffesional to say f** idiot to someone whos tryin to help.. And besides there aint no restriction or warning that music and games are not allowed to be posted on this site.. I just received the banning because I just got up in bed.. I was busy posting stuffs for this site last night and then i got this.. I hope you would try to reconsider things and be more friendly next time.. Please reconsider the verdict.. If some moderator out there have issues on me please do confront me.
Dear Doctor Stator,
This is ajrockz.. Im kinda mad for my banning... Im tryin my best to help the site and provide resources that would benefit the member.. I posted several applications and music and games for I thought some members would be happy to benefit from.. I hate the way the moderator dealt with me.. Using awful words to reprimand me. It doest have to be like that.. I find very unproffesional to say f** idiot to someone whos tryin to help.. And besides there aint no restriction or warning that music and games are not allowed to be posted on this site.. I just received the banning because I just got up in bed.. I was busy posting stuffs for this site last night and then i got this.. I hope you would try to reconsider things and be more friendly next time..
I downloaded one book on surgery which is RAR file, however when I do open this one with winrar it asks me one passowrd, i put passowrd given on website but then I gets a message that either passwod is wrong or file is coorupt, would u kindly look in to the matter
hi. dr. mr. Stator I have lot of useful information and many useful techniques with me which I would I like to share with me but I would like to have user rights more than this. can you help me with this
Hallo Dr. Stator,
im new on this side and i think you are doing a dreat job.
Can you tell me how to get the passwords fpr the equine book?
thank you!
Hi Dr. stator, sir i am student of Mphil Pathology, i am facing lot of difficulties in downloading research papers, i shall be thankful to you if you provide me the hot passes, plz plz sirrr
no im sorry... honestly the reason why im asking for mediafire link is because itfile and megaupload.com are blocked by our school administrator.. im just using the schools internet connection
I would like to ask a question. Please forgive me if I am bothering you.
Did the links for the veterinary magazine "In Practice" get pulled for copyright violations? There was a way to get into the archives of this journal. I love this journal, but at this time I don't have the money for a subscription. I tried to look up in the search box for this website, but the links that I find are dead.
Thank you very much for all your help.
Mary Ellen
Aslam o Alaykum Sir, SIR we as Muslims want to share information, i am new member, and we also say that knowlege must be free, then sir why is there contradiction, >>>VIP users only can view this forum<<<
Sir you are my elder brother, I would respect what you say to me.
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